Climate change impacts on banana production in Latin America: new GIZ project together with PIK

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits imported by European countries, including Germany. While local populations of the main producing regions in Latin America are highly dependent on banana production to secure their livelihoods, production conditions in these countries are often deficient and have high impacts on the environment. Also, the future of banana production might increasingly be threatened in the face of climate change.


In this context, we are proud to announce that HFFA Research has just been commissioned by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) to have a closer look at the climate change impacts on some of the most important banana producing regions of Latin America. In this new study, our team of researchers will assess the impacts climate change has already had in these regions in the past and provide an estimation of the potential effects climate change will have in these regions in the future. Based on the results, our team will further assess the future impacts of climate change on banana yields and prices, as well as the economic implications these changes might have for different producers in the regions. In addition, the study will also suggest potential adaptation and mitigation measures to cope with these impacts, tailored to the different regions. The study will specifically focus on the regions of Antioquia and Magdalena (Colombia), El Oro (Ecuador), Mao and Azua (the Dominican Republic), and Heredia (Costa Rica).


The study is conducted in the frame of the collaboration between GIZ and the Action Alliance for Sustainable Bananas (ABNB), a German action and dialogue forum that aims to address the persistent social and ecological challenges currently found in banana production from the German angle. The study is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


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