20.01.2022 In Agriculture, Development, Farm Economics, Human Development, International Agricultural Markets and Trade, Livestock, Plant Production, Projects & Publications, Rural Development By HFFA Research Institutional strategy development for the Agricultural University of Tirana 2030 Finalized Project 0
16.12.2021 In Agriculture, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Development, Ecosystem Services, Land Use, Livestock, Plant Production, Projects & Publications, Rural Development, Territorial Development, Water Use By HFFA Research How to Scale Up Incentives for Sustainable Land Management? Finalized Project 0
09.12.2021 In Agriculture, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Development, Livestock, Plant Production, Projects & Publications, Rural Development, Water Use By HFFA Research National climate risk analysis to identify and weigh adaptation strategies for the water sector in Bolivia Finalized Project 0
01.12.2021 In Agriculture, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Development, Livestock, Plant Production, Projects & Publications, Rural Development, Water Use By HFFA Research Climate risk analyses for identifying and weighing adaptation strategies in sub-Saharan Africa – AGRICA Finalized Project 0
06.11.2017 In Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Farm Economics, International Agricultural Markets and Trade, Land Use, Livestock, Value Chain Analysis By HFFA Research Societal benefits of modern poultry meat production in Germany and the EU: an economic and environmental analysis HFFA Research Paper 04/2017 (DE) and 08/2017 (EN) 0
16.06.2015 In Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, International Agricultural Markets and Trade, Land Use, Livestock By HFFA Research WWF Study: Tons for the trash Study for WWF Germany 0
15.05.2015 In Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, International Agricultural Markets and Trade, Land Use, Livestock, Water Use By HFFA Research WWF Study: Meat eats land Study for WWF Germany 0