National climate risk analysis to identify and weigh adaptation strategies for the water sector in Bolivia

The project is implemented by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and was commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in BoliviaThe overall goal of the project is to support government and development actors in Bolivia to prioritize adaptation investments. Therefore, the project has two dimensions: climate impact and climate action. The impact dimension includes climate impact assessments describing e.g., projected changes in temperature, precipitation, and crop yields. And the action dimension focuses on the identification and evaluation of adaptation strategies. 

Our participation in the project focuses on the climate action dimension, for which we analyze the cost-effectiveness of five adaptation measures in the water and agricultural sector: 


  • Crop switch from maize to grapes  
  • Improved water dam operation and management  
  • Supplementary irrigation for crop production 
  • Forest restoration 
  • Grass and feed improvement for cattle  


Thereby, we focus on the two Bolivian departments Tarija and Santa Cruz, where we carry out cost-benefit-analyses.