Successful kick-off of the strategy development for the Agricultural University in Tirana 2030

Last week, our experts successfully completed their first mission to Tirana. The mission´s goal was to kick-off the strategy development for the Agricultural University in Tirana 2030. The project, which has been launched in October 2021, was commissioned by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and is planned to be completed with a strategy report in October 2022.


During this first visit, we had the chance to speak to important university stakeholders, including administrative staff, faculty representatives and students, with which we had very fruitful discussions. Our expert team also visited the corresponding experimental farm, which is part of the university and currently used for field research and the cultivation of different crops. Exploring the different options for future and profitable usage of the farm is one of the tasks of this assignment.


For more information, please visit our project page.