New report published: Agriculture and climate change – perspectives from China and Germany

A new report has been published within the framework of the Sino-German collaboration project Sino-German Agricultural Centre (DCZ), discussing the climate change impacts and mitigation options in the agricultural sectors of China and Germany. The report compiles several articles that explore some of the climate-related challenges and possible mitigation measures for crop production and animal husbandry in both countries. The report also explores the two countries’ agriculture-related climate policies.


The full report is available as a download from the DCZ website via this link.


For HFFA Research’s expert Sophia Lüttringhaus, who contributed an article on the climate change impacts on crop production in Europe to the report, exchanging knowledge and perspectives with her German and Chinese colleagues was a great experience. Other authors of the report include experts from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, IAMO, ATB, IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH, DCZ, and other institutions.


The German-Chinese cooperation on Agriculture and Climate Change is a sub-project of the Sino-German Center for Agriculture (DCZ) and is implemented by IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH. The project is funded by the Federal German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) through its general agent GFA Consulting Group GmbH.


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