Balanced approach for enhancing biodiversity and agricultural productivity in Germany required

Our team has released a new study examining the potential economic and ecological impacts of a future Plant Protection Program (Zukunftsprogramm Pflanzenschutz) in Germany. The study, titled „Agricultural Production and Biodiversity in Germany in the Context of the Future Plant Protection Program,“ was originally developed in response to the European Commission’s „Sustainable Use Regulation.“


The research includes a comprehensive meta-analysis of biodiversity-enhancing measures in agriculture and rural areas. Additionally, it features exemplary economic calculations to assess the potential effects of reducing or eliminating the use of plant protection products on agricultural lands.


HFFA Research advocates for a balanced policy approach that considers both economic and environmental goals. Given the increasing scarcity of natural resources, the study suggests that the Future Plant Protection Program could play a crucial role in promoting biodiversity on less productive lands. This would allow more productive areas to remain in intensive agricultural use, including the application of chemical-synthetic plant protection products where necessary.


The study highlights the importance of developing sustainable agricultural practices that ensure sufficient and affordable food production while simultaneously protecting the environment and promoting biodiversity.


The study is in German and can be downloaded in low resolution and in high resolution.